Friday, May 29, 2009


If at all, there is a constant in this universe, other than change.. it would be 'the end'. Endings are everywhere. The end of the universe, the world, life, relationships, school, college.. you name it, it shall end... soon.
All endings have a very strange attribute. Endings bring about sense of overwhelming joy, sadness, annoyance, pity but it never fails to provoke emotions. They leave a void, only to shelved away by time. The more you think about the entire concept of 'the end', the more you'd like to believe in the chances of a new beginning. This is perhaps the fuel for human life. Belief that when things come to a close, there shall be a new avenue that crops up.. somewhere, sometime.

Till then, we clasp our palms around the lantern of hope, keeping the winds of change at bay. It is quite unreal that we have created so much insignificance around us, when we ourselves are equivalent to an absoulte zero in comparison to the vastness of the Universe. And when an entity such as the universe dies.. something endless shall be born. Silence.

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