Saturday, June 13, 2009

Busy :s

Never been so busy since I got into Medical College. But some how, I have loved working, organizing and reading. Perhaps I am actually maturing as a professional. Am I?

It is quite scary what age can do to you. Subtle changes like how I have now developed an aversion to sitting for too long on the Internet, and not waste time aimlessy in the virtual world.

The winds of change are blowing.. and somehow, this change seems to be for the better.

Quite a while since I have posted here, perhaps I am losing interest in blogging as well.

Written and deleted 3 blogs as of now, perhaps this could be next soon?

Naaa :D

1 comment:

Kapila Pande said...

well now u know how i feel...old age sux...middle age sux even more...sigh...its ok kid...we've all gone thru it