Friday, August 28, 2009

An Ode to the Fair Lady

... and then she came to be
unfurling herself like a white lily
and painted herself on my soul

Her eyes twinkled through the morning mist
The dew adorned her neck like pearls
The september winds lifted her hair, and butterflies kissed
her cheeks that turned wild roses green

She sang, and tulips danced
the rivers bubbled and gurgled
the sun warmed the grass
and embraced the land with beauty

The fair lady sprouted wings and flew away
to mystical lands that promised much
she turned around one last time and smiled
It cracked my golden sphere, and out flew a white pigeon

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Hehehe... FOOL!

I read this random blog just a while ago by this depressed/hypersexual/candid/looney female...

Screwy garbage for written material dished out on perverse overdoses, the blog has more than 50 followers :|

Inference A: People are crazy enough to write such shit online.
Inference B: There are more foolish but funny people *yes, I love to make fun of fools... chuckles* around to read, comment and follow it.

Humanity has reached and overshot the heights of stupidity. Yay!

*uncorks champagne*

and i don't know why I just wrote this shit in the first place. Oh well. :P

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

The Seeker

Do you believe in The Beautiful Isle
that defies logic and the human mind?
Tune yourself to the altered reality
and unfurl into the infinite design

Touch is a senseless sense in your dreams
But you can still feel my breath
Breaching the barriers of understanding
We stand on the brink of a bleak present

To only fall into the blurred future

Who are you, friend?
What is your purpose?
Is it to create?
Or worship the unknown Creator?
Who am I you ask?
I am above you, I judge you, I control you
For I am the seeker.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

A prediction

The embers are being extinguished
blow on them not
For it is happening for the better
Can you sense the intangible cold?

Succeeding the cause
Preceding the effect
Is the uncertain
And the answer, unknown.

The subtle turns

Just when you think you've got it all done, the wind blows the other way, the clouds creep up to hide the sun and well.. everything goes down hill from there.

Now, I've nurtured a sense of acceptance in me. Is it the highest form of being? Perhaps.

You are dust in the wind,
Waft in it carelessly
And hear it whisper
Its infinite wisdom.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Busy :s

Never been so busy since I got into Medical College. But some how, I have loved working, organizing and reading. Perhaps I am actually maturing as a professional. Am I?

It is quite scary what age can do to you. Subtle changes like how I have now developed an aversion to sitting for too long on the Internet, and not waste time aimlessy in the virtual world.

The winds of change are blowing.. and somehow, this change seems to be for the better.

Quite a while since I have posted here, perhaps I am losing interest in blogging as well.

Written and deleted 3 blogs as of now, perhaps this could be next soon?

Naaa :D

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Vacations over

I hate it when vacations end. Summer break is over, and back to college I go as the last leg of my second year in medicine lies ahead to be conquered. *sigh, medicine courses have a 1.5 year long 2nd year to inflict some extra pain :D*

The very thought of travelling 17 kilometers across the city to get to college and do ABSOLUTELY NOTHING *<-- yes, please re-read that* makes me quite an arrogant delinquent temporarily :|

So, I shall be off now, to go and buy the high E string which snapped yesterday night :s
Foolish string.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

The Painter's Palette

He sat before his canvas
and pondered upon what his next creation
would be.

Confused he was, for he wanted
to paint 'truth' but he did not know
if the truth was true

Days and nights flew by
the sand in Heaven's tall hourglass slipped away
as he sat still before his white board

He doodled with his brush,
raised a quizzical eyebrow,
a smile crept across his face.

He dabbed a little red, and erased it with black
highlighted lines, and shaded vividly
everything he sketched, he blackened

After hours spent, his hands were stained
with vile paint and turpentine
he gazed at the canvas, as though he was possesed
It was the blackest of black
Like truth itself.

Friday, May 29, 2009


If at all, there is a constant in this universe, other than change.. it would be 'the end'. Endings are everywhere. The end of the universe, the world, life, relationships, school, college.. you name it, it shall end... soon.
All endings have a very strange attribute. Endings bring about sense of overwhelming joy, sadness, annoyance, pity but it never fails to provoke emotions. They leave a void, only to shelved away by time. The more you think about the entire concept of 'the end', the more you'd like to believe in the chances of a new beginning. This is perhaps the fuel for human life. Belief that when things come to a close, there shall be a new avenue that crops up.. somewhere, sometime.

Till then, we clasp our palms around the lantern of hope, keeping the winds of change at bay. It is quite unreal that we have created so much insignificance around us, when we ourselves are equivalent to an absoulte zero in comparison to the vastness of the Universe. And when an entity such as the universe dies.. something endless shall be born. Silence.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Of commentators.. and other things

These days, when it comes to sport, especially cricket, watching it can be more fun if you pay attention to the commentary.

As retired players, they've got nothing much to do back home, and decide to bring a little humor *unintentionally of course* in to the game. :P

Ramiz Raja is perhaps the biggest clown in the box. He rambles nothing but flim flam sprinkled with some fancy english words. Eg: "How well he has managed to mitigate this innings in the last few overs."
What sort of nonsense is that!?
And one more on the leg spinner Amit Mishra - "Amit Mishra... he can spin the ball" :|
Yea, thanks.. I didn't know that.

I remember the old days, when I used to listen to Tony Greig, and he has made a few cracks like this as well. One of them went like - "Oh! All the Indians in the stands are alive now!" xD

Set Max had a few muddleheads for anchors this year. This guy, Samir Kochar.. looks like a constipated horse trying to be funny, lets loose a comment such as "It's not going to be easy..... because it's going to be hard." <-- Really? Wow :| These people must have an IQ of a worker ant.

And this other chap Chang, the lame Indian Idol winner. He questions a player who didn't make it to the playing 11: "Are you happy, that you are not playing today?" Chang, you should just go home to Assam or wherever you came from. :|

Danny Morisson, THIS guy, is my favorite. He never ceases to entertain me with his pathetic BUT funny gimmicks. In the final,when things were getting tighter for the Royal Challengers, Kohli cut the ball to deep backward point. Danny : "oooo virat coolie.." *coolie? LMAO* "he's just so cooool...." :|
And for the last excerpt, this one from our very own 'Little Master' Sunil Gavaskar commentating on Shane Warne's brilliant bowling :"An Indian would say, 'Usko ullu banaya' ... that is he has made him an ullu."

^ oh, brother... :\

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Joblessness taken to the next level

People these days have become so inactive, that they go about doing these extremely weird quizzes on facebook.

And it really annoys me to even read a few of their titles. For example- 'What badass animal are you' quiz, or 'Which female body part are you ' quiz <-- SERIOUSLY? :|

I have a feeling that someday, Artificial intelligence will rake up all this data about humans and take over the world. :s
Not that I am the first to have this notion, but it is highly likely. Imagine if the computer knows your name, address, your friends, your activities, about your schooling.... and errr.. even which female body part you are!

Scary? Be afraid. Your PC may just consume you for lunch tomorrow. :P

Saturday, May 23, 2009

The blonde moment.

We all have had our blonde moments, and just 10 minutes ago, Dhoni had his.

12 runs off 12 balls. You don't need to be a rocket scientist to know you'd have to utilize one of your better bowlers available.

But no... Dhoni gave the ball to Jacob David Phillip Oram. An imposing figure, standing at 1.98m tall, he could seriously scare a batsman with his height. But not with his bowling :|

Big-Jake, has not bowled a single ball, over the last few games of the team's campaign, and his batting form is quite awry. So much for confidence. Asking this chap to bowl a tidy over is a far fetched idea. Something like trying to woo a lesbian woman. Wishful thinking indeed. *pardon me for the analogy. At 11:43 pm, I can't think very well :P*

And he starts off, jogging up to the bowler's crease, and lets it go with a slow, 'tear the leather off this ball will you' action. It culminates into the WORST full toss any guy with a physically able upper limb, and an intact CNS could ever bowl. Above waist-height, no ball, and Taylor helps it over the ropes, game over.

Sometimes, it pays to be conventional, and things can seriously screw up if you do something illogically different. Sport teaches a thing or two about life, be it football, tennis or boring F1 *yeap, i dont think it is even a sport :|*

Error 404: Band not found

One of the biggest dreams of a heavy metal fan would be to crank up the distortion and play before a huge crowd with a successful band.

And forming a band, let alone a successful one, is perhaps the most tiring, teeth grinding and mind numbing activity for unlucky people.. like me for example :|

Just when everything falls into place, you realize that the Murphy's law is somewhere around the bend. *i am a strict non-believer of this particular law, but over the past few months, my opinions are slowly changing :s* Guitarist has the flu, drummer has an exam, bassist has a code red situation with his girl friend, all this boils down to no jam in the end. So much for trying to make things happen.

So this is what you do, to make your own band:

1. Start when you are 5 years old, and try to learn to play drums, bass, guitars and do vocals at the same time, that way, you don't have to give a flying fuck to other band members :D

2. Get your girlfriend into the band. So she won't feel 'left out' xD

3. Make simple songs at first. You try to complicate things, you are digging your own grave.
(^ that is some honest advice :|)

4. Dont paint your face white and black... and behave like those black metal lunatics. No one buys that in India xD

5. Be anti-religion, anti-government, anti-shiv sena and anti-'whatever-you-can-think of' but DON'T be anti-woman. The feminists will impale your band like a bunch of goats and let you hang on stage like how Gorgoroth do it on stage. :P

6. Lastly, don't name your band something like, Death Insanity, Death Monstrosity, Blood and other body fluids, Kidney eaters etc. It sounds like those Z-grade horror flicks and sometimes even cheap pornography titles :|



I have lost the plot.
Which I chalked out once on a green board
I have lost the plot
which i discussed with myself on those silent nights

When i look up at the ceiling
and stare at the flaking paint that reveals
the naked bricks and cement
the light dims.

The aged filament bulb now glows orange
and shadows painted the mood of the room
the clatter of the noisy fan
occasionally spoils the dead silence

Forge a reason, demand an answer
swivel like a top on a village tar road
that spins out of its axis and topples over itself
It is just a matter of time

I know, that I could be wrong
And the wind blows in affirmation
shut the windows
pull down the blinds.

I reached out for the switch
paused and looked up at the bulb
and flicked the switch off
As it made contact with a little click
The after image of the filament lingers
It is time to sleep my friend.

*a post from my old blog :]*

The Journey So Far..

When I was 13 years old, I didn't exactly know or bother *smirks* what course I wanted to pursue. That was when I laid my hands on this wonderful book on human anatomy, and there was no looking back from then on.

Being a part of the 'general category' *oh brother* in India, is quite demoralizing *for my folks that is*.

Aunt A to Mom: Oh, your son is in the 12th now, what is he planning to do?
Mom: He says he wants to do medicine
Aunt A: Oh, very nice.. he definitely should become a doctor *oh yay! free treatment... but wait, lets demoralize her now* but... it is hard? Getting a seat in a medical college is extremely difficult for the general category.. is he going for any tuition?
Mom*already exasperated and anxious*: No :|
Aunt A*nods her head in disapproval like she knows everything about the entrance syllabus*: Oh no.. but anyway, all the best to him.

^ that is pretty typical in India. Kids getting into college is as big as their weddings. :|

Oh well, so much for that. It has now been two years in medical college, with another 3.5 years including internship to go. First year is more of an acclimatizing phase. Something like.. making a raisin out of you. *yes, raisins last longer than plump grapes :P* Now that you have been successfully transformed into a shrivelled and dried up entity, they give you a couple of years off. Yup, the 2nd and 3rd years of undergraduation in medicine and surgery are called the honeymoon years. *yeap, you read that right* With nothing much to do, but sit and ramble with college mates, sinking deeper into the abyss of boredom, one really needs to do some soul searching to keep oneself motivated.

The most remarkable aspect of studying medicine is the practical experience. Getting to examine patients, watching surgeries and the odd autopsy even.. it can be quite exhilarating at times. I believe it is something that cannot be a part of any other stream of learning.. except for maybe law, where you get to 'practice' your knowledge.

Gah, with only 36.36% of my course done, there are miles to go, before.... I start studying AGAIN for my post-graduation.

Oh goody :P

Time to get back to reading my big fat pathology text book.