Saturday, May 23, 2009

The Journey So Far..

When I was 13 years old, I didn't exactly know or bother *smirks* what course I wanted to pursue. That was when I laid my hands on this wonderful book on human anatomy, and there was no looking back from then on.

Being a part of the 'general category' *oh brother* in India, is quite demoralizing *for my folks that is*.

Aunt A to Mom: Oh, your son is in the 12th now, what is he planning to do?
Mom: He says he wants to do medicine
Aunt A: Oh, very nice.. he definitely should become a doctor *oh yay! free treatment... but wait, lets demoralize her now* but... it is hard? Getting a seat in a medical college is extremely difficult for the general category.. is he going for any tuition?
Mom*already exasperated and anxious*: No :|
Aunt A*nods her head in disapproval like she knows everything about the entrance syllabus*: Oh no.. but anyway, all the best to him.

^ that is pretty typical in India. Kids getting into college is as big as their weddings. :|

Oh well, so much for that. It has now been two years in medical college, with another 3.5 years including internship to go. First year is more of an acclimatizing phase. Something like.. making a raisin out of you. *yes, raisins last longer than plump grapes :P* Now that you have been successfully transformed into a shrivelled and dried up entity, they give you a couple of years off. Yup, the 2nd and 3rd years of undergraduation in medicine and surgery are called the honeymoon years. *yeap, you read that right* With nothing much to do, but sit and ramble with college mates, sinking deeper into the abyss of boredom, one really needs to do some soul searching to keep oneself motivated.

The most remarkable aspect of studying medicine is the practical experience. Getting to examine patients, watching surgeries and the odd autopsy even.. it can be quite exhilarating at times. I believe it is something that cannot be a part of any other stream of learning.. except for maybe law, where you get to 'practice' your knowledge.

Gah, with only 36.36% of my course done, there are miles to go, before.... I start studying AGAIN for my post-graduation.

Oh goody :P

Time to get back to reading my big fat pathology text book.


Unknown said...

"Kids getting into college is as big as their weddings. :|"

^^perfect. man, i pheel for you. but autopsies should be fun :D

Aethyr said...


that wasnt the case for me :D

oh, autopsies are fun, and stinky :|

Kapila Pande said...

i always wanted to become a forensic scientist...theres less chances of you killing someone!